Car enthusiasts all over the world take part in illegal street racing. Street racing is a part of history and has been around as long as the automobile itself. The dangers and consequences are high, but it is only exceeded by the excitement and entertainment that one gets from competition.
Racing, which is usually done at the racetrack, has easily found its way to the local streets. Drag racing is the most common form of illegal racing. What is supposed to be a quarter mile has transformed into light-to-light street racing. Traffic racing can also be seen on a day-to-day basis. Cars weave in and out of each other and try to get past ever one during rush hour.
These types of street racing seem to serve as a means to entertain. To some driving fast is fun, why else would there be cars such as Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche? If these cars were made for just modes of transportation then why are they not built to go the speed limit or have a top speed of seventy-five? Simple, because these cars were built for speed as well as entertainment. Consumers can spend up to millions of dollars on a single car because ordinary just isn’t fun.
The most ideal area for street racing would be on the back roads outside of the city.
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People will race wherever they can even though it is illegal, unless there are enough racetracks to race on twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The death rate of the racing crowd is 14. I think this is a great alternative but for a few young car enthusiasts the money to go to the track can be better spent on their vehicles. It is human nature to be competitive and in a competitive world there is going to be an infinite amount of competitions, street racing is one of them. Every town will have its own spots for cruising, sometimes the spot is a main street, and other times it’s a big loop that goes around a merchant area. Street racing is dangerous but it’s also that danger that makes it so exciting. In addition to the spots for cruising and large parking lot gathering places, each town also has its own law enforcement agency. Large parking lots have become another popular area for street racers to meet. Local authorities have made an effort to cut down illegal racing by simulating the street-racing scene at the track.
Street racing can cause road rage and life threatening accidents. Within the last three to four years it's doubled if not more in popularity," said Justin Lim an auto shop worker . Here street racers can coordinate when and where to race each other.