We can’t help but get bombarded everyday while watching the 6 pm news, with pictures showing horrifying accidents on the street due to speed. Which lead to some creating the slogan “kill your speed before it kills you”. This racer is not particularly convinced. What did the news show really? Did it show that the driver was actually just testing his vehicle in an abandoned stretch of road? Or did it show a drunk going 90mph on a crowded freeway? This leads me to believe that speed, like power, doesn’t kill… it is actually how you use it. Let me break it down to you by showing you two cases:
a) Alfred is on a hill overlooking a magnificent view in his customized Mitsubishi EVO VIII. Now one of the things he sees from his view is a wide road going down from that hill with absolutely no one in sight. He revs his car up till it redlines releases the pedal and goes down the hill at
Let me tell you this up front. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Alfred. It’s inherent to us as humans to have that need for speed. There is absolutely no comparing the feeling of going fast. Nothing. And when you do it responsibly, like when there’s nobody around and you have the proper space for it. Then by all means go for it! It’s all part of the whole living your life to the fullest thing. It’s all good, baby.
So, to end this I just want to reach out to those people thinking speed should be burned at the stake. Speed is good people! Speed, when used responsibly is a godsend. It is one of the things the MAN himself bestowed upon us humble beings to bring life to this world. Speed is life, not the cause of death. Peed should be praised not scorned. Speed should be admired not shun away. People should be educated on how to use speed so it doesn’t go the other way. Everybody needs to know. It would be a shame if everybody adopted the “speed kills” thought. The world would be a much grimmer place to live in if that happens. It would feel as if the life was sucked out of the world by some invisible siphon. Like blood leaking out an open wound. Face it people, we need speed. There’s no denying that. People are afraid because they don’t fully grasp the concept of speed. We only need to use it responsibly for us to enjoy the full effect of it. Like any other raw force created, we need to know how to use it first. Everything has its pros and cons… Let us dissolve speed’s cons by arming ourselves with the knowledge on how to use it safely and effectively. Speed kills? Nah… Dumb bastards going fast does.