I don’t know about you guys, but racing for me lost its fun when they constructed a LEGAL racing place in our town. Lemme tell ya… If you want anything illegal to stop, legalize it. At first it was fine, and I actually got a kick out of it. But as time passed, the street racer in me was beginning to long for the “wild”. Now I know how a caged cheetah feels like. I think I even started foaming at the mouth at one point. I don’t know if it’s just me but I strongly suspect m comrades were feeling the same thing. So what does any true blue street racer do? We turned our backs on the legal circuit and slowly returned to our REAL domain: the streets. The first peel-out I did on the open road felt like a glass of ice cold water after being stranded on a desert with no water for 3 days. Man, there was absolutely no comparing it. It was definitely sublime. I passed a cop on his cruiser and I was secretly hoping he’d give chase, but he saw my car and I guess he figured it was pointless.
The first race I entered after that, man, everybody came in full force. I knew then how much everybody missed being on the other side of the law. We’re not bandits or anything… We don’t hurt people (except the ones who lose). We don’t rob, steal, rape or kill. We just love testing our custom rides out on familiar territory. And we do it at night so there are no stupid pedestrians getting their brain splattered all over the pavement. So back to the race… My heart was absolutely racing with excitement, far greater than how it felt on the legal track. After the bets were placed, we were off… The only real competitor I had was this guy on a tuned Honda S2000. Man, was he fast. He sure had a great ride. But in racing, it’s not all about the ride… I outmaneuvered him. I never let up and I always made sure he didn’t get the chance to pass me. So I won the race and pocketed some cash. Bloody great feeling lemme tell ya.
So I guess legal racing will never be for me. I will always remain on the streets participating in planned events or lurking below some stop light looking for a sucker to challenge and make a quick buck. I repeat, I don’t encourage. I’m just sharing how it feels like to be an illegal street racer. It’s shady, grimy, illegal and 100% dangerous…like I could lose my life at any given race. But this is my personal choice. Because in this life the only thing that matters is the choices you make and how you stand up for them.